Important Dates

  • Conference Title:

    15th Academic International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities

  • Conference Dates:

    17th-19th, August 2020

  • Deadline for Abstract:

    20th July 2020

  • Venue:

    Harvard University, Martin Conference Center at Harvard Medical School, Boston USA

Conference Title  ICBITM 2020 Boston
Conference Date 17th-19th, August 2020
Abstract Submission By 20th July 2020
Notification of Acceptance Within two weeks
Early Bird Registration By 27th July 2020
FULL Paper Submission By 3rd August 2020
Late Registration By 3rd August 2020

Conference Details

Conference Name: 15th Academic International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities
Start Date: 17/08/2020
End Date: 19/08/2020
Location: Boston
Country: United States
Conference Venue: Harvard University, Martin Conference Center at Harvard Medical School, Boston USA
Detailed Description: The overall objective of the Academic International Conference on Social Sciences and Humanities (AICSSH) is to provide a platform and stimulate discussion on key issues affecting work and employment relations, psychology, sociology, anthropology, linguistics and literature, information sciences, religious studies, culture, law and international relations.